=============================================== :mod:`XRootD.client.flags`: Flags and constants =============================================== .. module:: XRootD.client.flags .. attribute:: OpenFlags | :mod:`OpenFlags.NONE`: Nothing | :mod:`OpenFlags.DELETE`: Open a new file, deleting any existing file | :mod:`OpenFlags.FORCE`: Ignore file usage rules | :mod:`OpenFlags.NEW`: Open the file only if it does not already exist | :mod:`OpenFlags.READ`: Open only for reading | :mod:`OpenFlags.UPDATE`: Open for reading and writing | :mod:`OpenFlags.REFRESH`: Refresh the cached information on file location. Voids `NoWait`. | :mod:`OpenFlags.MAKEPATH`: Create directory path if it doesn't already exist | :mod:`OpenFlags.APPEND`: Open only for appending | :mod:`OpenFlags.REPLICA`: The file is being opened for replica creation | :mod:`OpenFlags.POSC`: Enable `Persist On Successful Close` processing | :mod:`OpenFlags.NOWAIT`: Open the file only if it does not cause a wait. For :func:`XRootD.client.FileSystem.locate` : provide a location as soon as one becomes known. This means that not all locations are necessarily returned. If the file does not exist a wait is still imposed. | :mod:`OpenFlags.SEQIO`: File will be read or written sequentially .. attribute:: MkDirFlags | :mod:`MkDirFlags.NONE`: Nothing special | :mod:`MkDirFlags.MAKEPATH`: Create the entire directory tree if it doesn't exist .. attribute:: DirListFlags | :mod:`DirListFlags.NONE`: Nothing special | :mod:`DirListFlags.STAT`: Stat each entry | :mod:`DirListFlags.LOCATE`: Locate all servers hosting the directory and send the dirlist request to all of them .. attribute:: PrepareFlags | :mod:`PrepareFlags.STAGE`: Stage the file to disk if it is not online | :mod:`PrepareFlags.WRITEMODE`: The file will be accessed for modification | :mod:`PrepareFlags.COLOCATE`: Co-locate staged files, if possible | :mod:`PrepareFlags.FRESH`: Refresh file access time even if the location is known .. attribute:: AccessMode | :mod:`AccessMode.NONE`: Default, no flags | :mod:`AccessMode.UR`: Owner readable | :mod:`AccessMode.UW`: Owner writable | :mod:`AccessMode.UX`: Owner executable/browsable | :mod:`AccessMode.GR`: Group readable | :mod:`AccessMode.GW`: Group writable | :mod:`AccessMode.GX`: Group executable/browsable | :mod:`AccessMode.OR`: World readable | :mod:`AccessMode.OW`: World writable | :mod:`AccessMode.OX`: World executable/browsable .. attribute:: QueryCode | :mod:`QueryCode.STATS`: Query server stats | :mod:`QueryCode.PREPARE`: Query prepare status | :mod:`QueryCode.CHECKSUM`: Query file checksum | :mod:`QueryCode.XATTR`: Query file extended attributes | :mod:`QueryCode.SPACE`: Query logical space stats | :mod:`QueryCode.CHECKSUMCANCEL`: Query file checksum cancellation | :mod:`QueryCode.CONFIG`: Query server configuration | :mod:`QueryCode.VISA`: Query file visa attributes | :mod:`QueryCode.OPAQUE`: Implementation dependent | :mod:`QueryCode.OPAQUEFILE`: Implementation dependent .. attribute:: HostTypes | :mod:`HostTypes.IS_MANAGER`: Manager | :mod:`HostTypes.IS_SERVER`: Data server | :mod:`HostTypes.ATTR_META`: Meta manager attribute | :mod:`HostTypes.ATTR_PROXY`: Proxy server attribute | :mod:`HostTypes.ATTR_SUPER`: Supervisor attribute .. attribute:: StatInfoFlags | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.X_BIT_SET`: Executable/searchable bit set | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.IS_DIR`: This is a directory | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.OTHER`: Neither a file nor a directory | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.OFFLINE`: File is not online (ie. on disk) | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.POSC_PENDING`: File opened with POSC flag, not yet successfully closed | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.IS_READABLE`: Read access is allowed | :mod:`StatInfoFlags.IS_WRITABLE`: Write access is allowed .. attribute:: LocationType Describes the node type and file status for a given location. Used with the ``type`` attribute of :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.LocationInfo`. | :mod:`LocationType.MANAGER_ONLINE`: manager node where the file is online | :mod:`LocationType.MANAGER_PENDING`: manager node where the file is pending to be online | :mod:`LocationType.SERVER_ONLINE`: server node where the file is online | :mod:`LocationType.SERVER_PENDING`: server node where the file is pending to be online .. attribute:: AccessType Describes the allowed access type for the file at given location Used with the ``accesstype`` attribute of :mod:`XRootD.client.responses.LocationInfo`. | :mod:`AccessType.READ`: Read access is allowed | :mod:`AccessType.READ_WRITE`: Write access is allowed